Thankful to be Together

Ever since Halloween, it feels like our family has been stuck in some sort of revolving door at the pediatrician’s office. Honestly, it IS that time of year, so it isn’t unexpected. Still, John and I have wondered if maybe our children gathered in a room one day and decided to have a secret competition over who could rack up the most copays at the doctor’s office. These visits have all been only for minor little issues like ear infections or coughs but the number of them have made the past several weeks feel a little bit like chaos. Buried in all that chaos though have been a lot of little moments that have reminded me to be thankful. I suppose this is a great time of year to reflect on that.

Kylie started off the month by missing an entire week of school over some nasty cough she couldn’t kick. She was a trooper through the whole thing and easily entertained herself while quarantined in her room by reading books, knitting, or studying up with Alexa on when the past presidents were born. Don’t ask me how that became a priority for her… Even so, she was beyond excited to return to school. Not many days passed before Myles spoke up about his ear hurting. I suppose I should have seen that coming… The night before, he threw an absolute fit at the dinner table which is fairly uncommon for him. He didn’t want to eat his sandwich despite the promise of chips afterward and so he sat there pouting, refusing to take a bite. I’ll never forget Jack, his head down, taking sideways glances as he sat silently next to him. Jack must have been sharing in Myles’ despair because later I saw him quietly slide one of his chips across the table to Myles. I guess he couldn’t stand the idea of Myles having to go to bed without chips and my heart melted a bit over Jack’s “no brother left behind” attitude. Myles and I came up with a good compromise after that, but it all made sense the next morning when I found out he had a double ear infection. It was his second one in the past month, so he was prescribed a stronger antibiotic. We left the doctor’s office and headed on to our familiar loop to the pharmacy. After having a nice chat with our friendly neighborhood pharmacist, we went home to get our first dose of the day in. Myles drank his medicine, made a nasty face, and then proceeded to lament over how he “couldn’t believe that nice man gave him that not nice medicine.” Bubble gum flavored Amoxicillin it was not… Myles was happy to spend the day with me at home and it wasn’t long before we had to pick up the boys and Kylie from school. That night, as we were getting ready for bed, Jack was sitting on the couch quietly. Obviously, there was something heavy on his mind. Finally, he looked over at Myles and, in his heartfelt, genuine way, said, “I sure am sad you didn’t get a hot dog for lunch at school today, Myles, cause they were REALLY good…” Oh Jack, my sweet boy. I’ve never cried over a hot dog before, but I almost did right then.  

It wasn’t long before Jack ended up with a double ear infection himself and spent his own day at home with me while everyone else went to school. A few days later, much to my dismay, it was Colton’s turn. When Myles and Jack came home after school that day, I had another one of those heartwarming moments while cleaning out their backpacks. I came across some artwork Jack had drawn at school that day. Most days Jack comes home with drawings or books he created and somewhere on it I will be able to find the words “I luv u mom.” I’ve always thought it was very touching Jack thinks of me while he’s at school. But that day in particular, while Colton was home sick, Jack must have been thinking of him and how much he missed him.

Over the past month, the boys have shown me that they are perfectly capable of going their separate ways…but that doesn’t necessarily mean they LIKE it. As their mom, it brings my heart comfort to know that they can do their individual thing, but they truly enjoy being together. Kylie is included in that, too. She walks the boys to their classroom every morning and the boys know she is always close by to take care of them if they need. The boys know it is their job to take care of her in the same way. I’ve had to have a specific talk with Kylie about not being overly dramatic with her use of the word “mean” to describe any boys in her class. Myles won’t think twice about trying to track any of them down to chat. We figured that out the hard way this past summer at vacation bible school with a poor, unsuspecting (and might I add innocent) boy named Max…

Recently, I gave the kids some toy magazines to look through and sticker items they think look fun. I always love looking back through them and seeing these little glimpses into their minds even though many of their wishes are not realistic. One night, Kylie grabbed a magazine, curled up on the couch, and started looking through it. It wasn’t long before all the boys cuddled up next to her. She indulged them by reading each toy description and taking a poll by show of hands to see which boy wanted what toy. They sat like that for a long time and I, of course, had to capture it with a picture. 

I am thankful for many things but at the top of the list- these four children who, despite their arguments, love each other so much.  They each spend plenty of time fighting and bickering with one another as most siblings do, but I’m thankful that they all take time to look out for each other and care for each other. I’m thankful for the love and special bond they all share. I’m thankful for the simple joy in their hearts. Don’t let my words confuse you into thinking I’m some sort of well-adjusted mom or anything. Far from it… Our pediatrician and friendly neighborhood pharmacist can attest to that. Life DOES feel like chaos a lot of the time. I’m just thankful for those moments that remind me it is of the best kind. I’ve always felt the best place to be is together. That moment on the couch, when all four of those little heads were huddled over that Christmas magazine, reminded me that John and I have children that feel that too.

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